Sri Shiva Ashtakam is believed to be composed by Sri Adi Sankaracharya in praise of and in prayer to Lord Shiva.
Sri Shiva Ashtakam contains eight stanzas each describing the attributes of Lord Shiva.
The benefit of reciting Sri Shiva Ashtakam is embedded in the last slokam.
The Devanagiri script, the English script and a simple English translation are given in this narration.
प्रभुं प्राणनाथं विभुं विश्वनाथं
जगन्नाथ नाथं सदानन्द भाजम्
भवद्भव्य भूतेश्वरं भूत नाथं
शिवं शङ्करं शंभुमीशानमीडे (1)
praBhuM praaNa-naaThaM viBhuM vishwa-naaThaM
jagan-naaTha naaThaM sadhaanandha Bhaajam
Bhavadh-Bhavya Bhoothaesh-varaM Bhootha-naaThaM
shivaM shankaraM shaMBhum -eeshaanameedae
Lord Shiva is
-the master;
-the Lord of our core of existence, breathing;
-the Lord of Sri Maha Vishnu who is the Lord of the earth;
-eternally blissful;
-the provider of brightness;
-the Lord of living beings;
-the Lord and leader of the celestial goblins; and
-the Lord of everyone.
I humbly surrender to Lord Shiva who is Shankar, the auspicious, Shambu, the benevolent and the presiding Deity of north-east.
गले रुण्डमालं तनौ सर्पजालं
महाकाल कालं गणेशाधि पालम्
जटाजूट गङ्गोत्तरङ्गैर्विशालं
शिवं शङ्करं शंभुमीशानमीडे (2)
gaḷae ruNda-maalaM thanau sarpa-jaalaM
mahaakaala kaalaM gaNeshaaDhi paalam
jataa-joota gangoth-tharangair-vishaalaM
shivaM shankaraM shaMBhum-eeshaanameedae
Lord Shiva
-has the garland made of skulls;
-has the mesh of snakes around His person;
-is the great God of time;
-is the embodiment of time;
-is the protector of His clan (ganas);
-has the matted hair immersed in the waves of Ganges which flows from His head; and
-is the Lord of everyone.
I humbly surrender to Lord Shiva who is Shankar, the auspicious, Shambu, the benevolent and the presiding Deity of north-east.
मुदामाकरं मण्डनं मण्डयन्तं
महा मण्डलं भस्म भूषाधरं तम्
अनादिं ह्यपारं महा मोहमारं
शिवं शङ्करं शंभुमीशानमीडे (3)
mudhaamaakaraM maNdanaM maNdayanthaM
mahaa maNdalaM Bhasma BhooShaa-DharaM tham
anaadhiM hyapaaraM mahaa mohamaaraM
shivaM shankaraM shaMBhum eeshaanameedae
Lord Shiva
-makes the universe blissful;
-embellishes the world;
-is the ornated universe;
-smears the ashes;
-is beyond commencement;
-is immeasurable;
-destroys the worldly attachments; and
-is the Lord of everyone.
I humbly surrender to Lord Shiva who is Shankar, the auspicious, Shambu, the benevolent and the presiding Deity of north-east.
वटाधो निवासं महाट्टा ट्टहासं
महापाप नाशं सदा सुप्रकाशम्
गिरीशं गणेशं सुरेशं महेशं
शिवं शङ्करं शंभुमीशानमीडे (4)
vataaDho nivaasaM mahaatta ttahaasaM
mahaapapa naashaM sadhaa su-prakaasham
gireesaM gaNaeshaM suraeshaM mahaeshaM
shivaM shankaraM shaMBhum-eeshaanameedae
Lord Shiva
-stays at the root of the banyan tree;
-has magnificent laughter;
-destroys all the sins;
-is dazzling;
-is the Lord of the mountains;
-is the Lord of the celestial warriors (gana);
-is the Lord of the Deities; and
-is the Lord of everyone.
I humbly surrender to Lord Shiva who is Shankar, the auspicious, Shambu, the benevolent and the presiding Deity of north-east.
गिरीन्द्रात्म जासङ्गृहीतार्ध देहं
गिरौ संस्थितं सर्वदा पन्नि गेहम्
परब्रह्म ब्रह्मादि भिर्वन्द्यमानं
शिवं शङ्करं शंभुमीशानमीडे (5)
gireendhrathma jaa-sangrhithaarDha dhaehaM
girau samsThithaM sarvadhaa panni gaeham
parabrahma brahmaadhi Bhir-vanDhya maanaM
shivaM shankaraM shaMBhum-eeshaanameedae
Lord Shiva
-shares half of His body with His consort, (Sri Parvathi Devi) the daughter of the mountain king;
-resides in the mountains;
-is the refuge and hope for the poor people;
-is worshipped by Brahma and other Deities; and
-is the Lord of everyone.
I humbly surrender to Lord Shiva who is Shankar, the auspicious, Shambu, the benevolent and the presiding Deity of north-east.
कपालं त्रिशूलं कराभ्यां दधानं
पदांभोज नम्राय कामं ददानम्
बली वर्दयानं सुराणां प्रधानं
शिवं शङ्करं शंभुमीशानमीडे (6)
kapaalaM trishoolaM karaaBhyaaM dhaDhaanaM
padhamBhoaja namraaya kaamaM dhadhaanam
balee vardhayaanaM suraaNaaM praDhaanaM
shivaM shankaraM shaMBhum-eeshaanameedae
Lord Shiva
-keeps the skull and the trident in His hands;
-fulfills the desires of the humble devotees who worship His lotus feet sincerely;
-rides on the bull (Nandi);
-is significant amongst the Devas; and
-is the Lord of everyone.
I humbly surrender to Lord Shiva who is Shankar, the auspicious, Shambu, the benevolent and the presiding Deity of north-east.
शरच्चन्द्र गात्रं गुणानन्द पात्रं
त्रिनेत्रं पवित्रं धनॆशस्य मित्रम्
अपर्णा कळत्रं चरित्रं विचित्रं
शिवं शङ्करं शंभुमीशानमीडे (7)
sarach-chandra gaathraM gaNaanandhaa paathraM
thrinaethraM pavithraM Dhaneshasya mithram
aparNaa kaLathraM charithraM vichithraM
shivaM shankaraM shaMBhum-eeshaanameedae
Lord Shiva
-has the face as dazzling as the winter moon;
-is the source of enjoyment for the celestial warriors;
-has three eyes;
-is genuine and clean;
-is the acquaintance of the Lord of wealth (Kubera);
-is the consort of Aparna (Sri Parvathi Devi);
-is eternal;
-is full of wonders; and
-is the Lord of everyone.
I humbly surrender to Lord Shiva who is Shankar, the auspicious, Shambu, the benevolent and the presiding Deity of north-east.
हरं सर्पहारं चिता भूविहारं
भवं वेदसारं सदा निर्विकारम्
श्मशाने वसन्तं मनोजं दहन्तं
शिवं शङ्करं शंभुमीशानमीडे (8)
haraM sarpahaaraM chithaa BhoovihaaraM
BhavaM vedhasaaraM sadhaa nirvikaaram
smashaanae vasanthaM manoajaM dhahanthaM
shivaM shankaraM shaMBhum-eeshanameedae
Lord Shiva
-is hara, the one who steals the heart;
-wears snakes as garlands;
-stays near funeral pyre;
-is the universe;
-is the essence and content of all vedas;
-is eternally detached from the passions;
-lives in funeral grounds;
-swiftly blazes the worldly desires; and
-is the Lord of everyone.
I humbly surrender to Lord Shiva who is Shankar, the auspicious, Shambu, the benevolent and the presiding Deity of north-east.
स्तवं यः प्रभाते नरः शूलपाणेः
पठेत्सर्वदा भर्गभावानुरक्तः
सुपुत्रं सुधान्यं सुमित्रं कलत्रं
विचित्रैस्समाराध्य मॊक्षं प्रयाति (9)
sthayaM yah praBhaathae narah-shoola-paaNe
paTeth-sarvadhaa Bharga-Bhaavaanurakthah
suputhraM suDhanyaM sumithraM kaḷathraM
vichithraissa maaraDhya mokSham prayaathi
Lord Shiva is splendorous. He is vividly glittering with trident. Those who recite this Stotram are blessed with kids, food, good friends and a good life companion; They will lead a fulfilling life and attain moksha to be with Lord Shiva.
इति श्रीशिवाष्टकं संपूर्णम्
ithi shree shiva ashtakam sampoorNam.